Congresso Highlights


Speech by Evan Maltby July 27, 2014

Posted in Congresso Highlights

Good Afternoon Everyone – Un buon di a duc. My name is Evan Maltby and I am a member of the Fogolars’ Club in Oakville, Ontario.

A big theme of this congress has been: "Discovering Roots".

I didn't want to go home without discovering some for myself so last night I wandered the streets of Udine in search of a tree.

I found one and then stood staring at it for a while. I looked at its leaves, its branches, and its trunk. My eyes wandered to the ground; I could not find its roots.

Speech by Vanessa Lovisa, July 27 2014

Posted in Congresso Highlights


My name is Vanessa Lovisa and I’m Director of the 20-Somethings youth group at Famee Furlane Toronto. It is an honour and privilege to have been given the opportunity to speak to you today about my experience here in Friuli, celebrating the 40th Anniversary of our Fogolâr Federation of Canada and I’d like to begin by thanking the Federation, our Fogolârs and Ente Friuli Nel Mondo who made this Congresso such a tremendous success.

For me, this has been a very emotional and surreal experience, one that has forever changed me. My desire to attend the Congresso came from a deep feeling within myself to want to further connect to my roots and to my family’s heritage. This curiosity was ignited when I began my research as a Masters and now Doctoral Candidate studying about the history of Friulian migration to Canada. Although I learned about the history of Friuli through my research, this knowledge was immediately brought to life upon my arrival in Friuli. After having travelled to other beautiful places throughout Italy before arriving in Udine, nothing could have prepared me for the feeling I felt when we arrived in Friuli. I immediately felt at home, comfortable and at ease, like I belonged here.

Speech by Adrianna Aiello-Mardero, July 27 2014

Posted in Congresso Highlights

Hello, bundi, my name is Adrianna Aiello-Mardero and I am a member of the Fogolâr of Winnipeg. I feel incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to come to this year’s congresso here in Friuli. Firstly, I just want to take the opportunity to thank everyone who organized this amazing event.

Despite the short time we have been together here in Friuli, I have never had the opportunity to see so much of the region. It gave me a stronger appreciation for the country my family comes from. As if my desire to get up and move here wasn't strong enough. My favourite thing about Friuli is how beautiful and pristine it is. My Zia always says “1 ora in montagna e 1 ora al mare”.