WelcomeThe Fogolârs Federation of Canada is the connecting link between the Fogolârs/ Fameis throught the country. This link, and the ability of being of service to big and small communities, is the main purpose of this national association. The structure of the Federation can be visualized as a pyramid with the Fogolârs/ Fameis on top and the executives of the Federation at the base.

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Alla Famiglia di Pieri Pittaro,
La Federazione dei Fogolars del Canada, del suo Direttivo, ci uniamo al vostro dolore per il grave lutto che vi ha colpito. Vogliate accettare le nostre piu sentite condoglianze per la vostra grande perdita. Pieri era un grandissimo amico dei friulani del Canada, non lo dimenticheremo mai.

Giuseppe Toso

Joe Toso, President of the Fogolâr Federation of Canada, awarded Premio Epifania

We are delighted to announce that on January 4th, 2023, Joe Toso, President of the Fogolâr Federation of Canada, was awarded the prestigious Premio Epifania in a ceremony held in the City of Tarcento.

The Premio Epifania was established 68 years ago.  Defined as the 'Cavalierato del Friuli', it is an award bestowed on people and /or institutions in recognition of work that has brought great prestige to theRegion of Friuli Venezia Giulia. This year three honorees were awarded the ‘Premio’: The historian, Ferruccio Tassin, writer, Ilaria Tuti, and Friulian-Canadian entrepreneur, Joe Toso of British Columbia .


This award to Joe Toso is, indeed, well deserved. Joe Toso, a man who is not only a very successful and respected Friulian-Canadian businessman but is also a promoter of Furlan culture.  Joe's family migrated from Maiano, Friuli, to France when he was but six years old. Eventually, he moved to Canada and was employed in the metal working sector. Starting at the bottom, he worked his way up, and eventually purchased the company. Joe has received numerous business awards and is one of the most respected Italian-Canadian businessmen in British Columbia.

He is, undoubtedly, an example of Friulian industriousness!JoeToso-PremioEpifania_2

Joe has never forgotten his Friulian roots and dedicates his free time to the Friulian community of B.C. and Canada. He has been instrumental in establishing the Famee Furlane of Vancouver of which he was president for many years.  In 2014 Joe Toso became President of the Fogolârs Federation of Canada which he is still leading.

Joe, thank you for your service. You make us all proud! Congratulations for this well-deserved award!

Ivano Cargnello